The worst way to live. A shy person has no confidence, and feels like it's impossible to say anything to anyone that they don't know. A shy person is never approached, perhaps because people think they are uninterested or feel that they are better than everyone else. conversations are awkward, friendships are not often maintained. The world seems too big for a shy person. They feel as if they don't belong anywhere. Trust me, I would know.
person 1: "That girl that sits behind you in English class is like mute."

person 2: "Aww don't say that...she's really nice. You should talk to her."

person 1: "Really? Maybe I will....

Shy girl: *smiles*
by trust me... October 24, 2009
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socially anxious, socially isolated, have low self-esteem, no self-confidence when self-interest is involved.
He's a great and outgoing actor on stage! But so shy when out of character at parties.

You're so shy!
by Matsi October 18, 2004
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"Yo, bitch! You shy a couple 'o bucks!
Fork ova another twenty!"
by person yo-yo April 18, 2004
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A male who almost shits and pisses there pants at the same time when either talking to girls, giving a speech, meeting somone new, ect. Shy people ussually talk to themselves more than they talk to other people. They occupy most of their time by sleeping, watching t.v, and pulling dick.
1."Dude that kid is so shy, he doesnt talk to anyone, what a pussy"!
by edwin123 April 11, 2007
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Joe: dont be shy Sarah
Sarah:Im not into you like that
by ex-slut January 24, 2012
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sneaky behaviour
when someone uses stealth and cunning to steal something from right under your nose they are being "shy"

eg:- borrowing a lighter and then pocketing it after you use it
"dont be shy"-if you suspect shy behaviour

"shyboy" - a person that you know is a thieving little shit!
by the weasel king September 23, 2007
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the famously iconic line sung by Twice's Sana; a line that is a major highlight of her career as a K-Pop artist
"chingureul mannaneura shy shy shy" - Cheer Up by Twice
by beulping February 28, 2018
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